Thursday, October 16, 2014

The JC Life

At the University of Kentucky many students worry about how they look, a log with many other college aged students. What most people do at this age is eat poorly with poor eating habits and take in many empty calories from drinking alcohol. All of these things add to the freshman 15, which many students are worried about.  What many people worry about is how they look in the mirror and how other people see them. What many people try to fix their body image is one, they try to change their eating habits and to fix new habits on eating healthy. But, for many students eating healthy isn’t such a quick fix. What a lot of students have done and really enjoy doing is working at the Johnson Center. At Kentucky, the Johnson Center is a place where everyone can work on their fitness and improve what they don’t like. At the Johnson Center campus recreation is here to support student success in academic, personal, and social areas by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning (Ron Lee) . At the Johnson Center there are so many ways that people can stay, from cardio, weight, cardio classes, and to racquetball. The Johnson Center basically as something for all of the UK and BCTC staff and students. The Johnson Center is place where everyone can work to  improve their body image. 

Johnson Center Survey

The Johnson Center is a place that everyone at Kentucky knows about or either attends. The survey was asked to students on the street between Rose Street and the library because of the high student traffic. For our documentary one of the surveys that we felt met all the needs of students, we came up with this question:
1.        Where do you live (Campus or OFF)?
a.        Campus
b.        North
c.        Central
d.        South
2.        How do you stay healthy?
3.        If you work out where?
4.        (Above) do you work on, Cardio, weights, or basketball/racquetball?
5.        Do you work out alone or with others?

These seemed like the basic questions that you could ask people about gym life and being a college student. The location that I choose to issue the survey gave me a verity of students.  But for most of my findings I found that more females work out with partners then men. Also, more males lift weights and play basketball then females, but females focus more on cardio and resistance. Both men and women lift weights, but women worry more about tone and men worry about size. Gym life is the same for both sexes, students want to stay fit, healthy, and improve their body image.  Many Kentucky students are worried about the freshman 15 and they use the Johnson Center to fight the pounds that they put on with their new eating habits. In the documentary presentation I will have passed the survey out at Commons and in the Whitehall Patterson area, which will give me a larger student body population and maybe different results.     

Blog Post: "Easier Said than Done"

One thing that I found very difficult about all the blog posts was actually doing them. Some blogs were easier to write then others. Frist things first, I had to had figure out what I was going to say and had to make sure that I met [nb1] the word count. This became very hard to do since my topic was the Johnson Center, I felt that you could only say so much about the Johnson Center. Many times I felt like I was saying the same things over and over again about the Johnson Center. As the semester carried on it become very hard to find new sources about the Johnson Center. I had to start finding sources that were about fitness or anything about health that was also related to the college age group. The Johnson Center is one of the smaller buildings on Kentucky’s campus, meaning it has a smaller impact on the campus. With this it makes it hard to find information using the databases that Kentucky has to offer. The blog post that had to deal with using a Kentucky database was more difficult because I wasn’t able to use google. The database blog post was a more stressful than the other ones because there isn’t information on the Johnson Center nor Bernard Johnson. Being an active gym person I felt that I knew everything that you could know about a recreational center. Over the semester I began learning new things about the Johnson Center which made some of the blog posts a little bit easier to write.

Friday, October 10, 2014

How Do You Workout

 In the picture the girls are in the pool swimming, are they working out? There has been a change from the running on the treadmill and pushing weight traditional working out. There is nothing wrong with the traditional way to work out it still gets the job done but there are more new fun ways to stay fit. At the JC there are so many things to do to stay fit and heathy. One thing that many other recreational centers don’t have is a rock wall, the JC has one right square in the middle of the building. Also there are adventure trips where you can be taken to go rocking climbing for real (along with many other outdoor activities). At the JC you are able to take cardio classes (and other non-cardio classes) from cycling to hip hop dance. There are so many ways to stay fit without following the tradition. Many people play basketball to stay in shape, but have you ever played racquetball. On the other side of the basketball courts there are four racquetball rooms and it gets very intense and you really work up a sweat.  
So at the JC you are able to work on everything from lifting weights, using resistance bands, to running, or having a cardio class the JC has it. There is something at the JC for everyone to do to stay fit and in shape. Finding a certain work out might be one of the harder things that you’ll do, besides actually getting to the JC.

New Statesman, 3/22/2010, Vol. 139 Issue 4993, p61-61, 8/9p, 1 Color Photograph
Color Photograph; found on p61

Make a change fight the 15

Many young people today all have this one problem in common and it’s how they look at themselves in the mirror. Body image is what you the viewer sees when you look in the mirror and a lot of people don’t like what they see. College students are seen as at risk for becoming overweight (International Journal of Health, Wellness & Society) Also a report was done by International Journal of Health, Wellness & Society where they asked 210 (college) men and woman were they satisfied in their body. Most men were dissatisfied with their muscles and most women were dissatisfied with their midsection. What would you do to become more satisfied with your body, what did the rest of the people in the study do?
Make a change, many people in college fall into the freshman 15 which is where you gain and extra unwanted 15 pounds. Something easy to fight the freshman 15 and to fix a poor body image is to workout tone and shape your body. For men who are dissatisfied with their body image in terms of muscles are encouraged to go lift weights. At the JC there is a weight area where men (and women) can shape their bodies into something they want to see in the mirror. Also at the JC there are many areas and classes for women (and men) to work on their core and fix the midsection problems that they. Poor body image is something that college students think about, and at the JC you’re able to change your body image. 
source found from 

Academic Search Complete

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Adventure at the JC

The Johnson Center has many basic things to make it a nice recreational center. The JC comes with weights, cardio machines and classes, basketball and racquetball courts, and a track. A few things that make the JC different than other schools recreational facilities, one you’re allowed to have guest. Being able to have a guest doesn’t seem like a big deal to many but if you have a friend or family member in town they have the opportunity to work out if they want to. This helps many who don’t know the area that well or who don’t really have the means for transportation. Also a big program that the JC offers might not be at other schools, and it the Outdoor Pursuit Program. This program is here to provide outdoor recreation and education for the JC members. This program gives members the chance to try new things make new friends by doing fun activities off campus. These opportunities provided at UK are for the JC members and are human-powered. More information on how to get involved on going on a trip or planning one or any upcoming trips can be found by the rock wall. But some of the adventure tips that the JC has to offer are rock climbing, hiking, bouldering, and skiing along with many others. Going of these trips is very easy, to join these adventure trips all you’d have to do it fill out an application, pay the fee, and be reading when the bus comes.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Where are in the JC

In this photo, standing on the track next the ellipticals and over-looking both the basketball courts and weight area (behind me). These are some of the main areas in the JC many heated basketball games happen on the court. Most people that work on in the JC have specific things they work on, most of the females stay on the ellipticals, use the free weights on the second floor, and attend many of the cardio classes. On the other hand most males stay in the weight area or on the basketball. With this, many people either have work out partner or a small group, but many flock to the JC.
From basketball, weight lifting, and using an elliptical they are great ways to work out. With so many worried on how they look, being at the JC working in these areas or many other areas help us stay fit. A documentary would high light these positive areas and many other things the JC has a does for UK students. 

Caturday and the JC

Bernard M. Johnson Student Recreation Center, the Johnson Recreation Center, the Johnson Center and also known as the JC. But under this many names the JC allows all UK and BCTC students and staff with ID to use the facility and they have something for everyone. The JC has something for everyone on campus there is a Four–lane elevated jogging track, Fitness/conditioning center, Group fitness studio, and a Cycling studio along with many other things to suet your needs and put work in. The JC is open normally Monday thought Friday 6am to midnight and noon to four on Saturday and Sunday there is always time for the JC unless it’s Caturday. In the SEC, football it is very important and its life on UK’s campus during the fall. This Saturday UK will be playing South Carolina and the JC hours have changed. For the students who want to work out during the day they are out of luck. This coming Saturday the JC’s hours are 9am to 5pm. Last Saturday the JC opened at five and closed at midnight. The hour change doesn’t affect the students at the game, but for ones who don’t go are affected. A fix to this problem would be to have sign ups for the staff to work during the game hours. On Caturday I should be able to work out and still watch the game. At the JC you’re able to work any and every muscle in the body, and you should be able to do that anytime during the day.

Stay Fit and Green

The Johnson Recreation Center also known as the JC has been opened since 2003. With the JC allowing all UK and BCTC students and staff with ID to use the facility, there is something for everyone. In the JC there is a Four–lane elevated jogging track, Fitness/conditioning center, Group fitness studio, and a Cycling studio along with many other things to suet your needs. This states of the art facility pushes healthy living with the open atmosphere and on staff trainers, it’s a very welcoming place. A New technology advancement turns the working student into a true “power student”. The new technology in the elliptical turns users into a power generating hamster on wheel. Through the elliptical each user generates energy by the movement of their arms and legs which creates electricity that is uses the juice to put electricity back into the JC. It's not much electricity in the greater scheme of things, but the byproducts are sweat and stronger hearts, not strip-mined land and greenhouse gases. Since 2003 to now and in the future the elliptical technology will begin to pay for itself.

The machines are on a long list of things the university touts as moves toward sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint. The list ranges from environmentally friendly building construction to recycling cooking oil from the dining halls. The JC is just one of the places on campus that helps the community. The people are being helped by the JC providing a softer carbon footprint and having a place to stay fit and healthy. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

fight the freshman 15

Within a few more weeks all dining on campus will take meal swipes. Also so many places around UK take Flex and or Plus. And with the food that many people have in their rooms this all adds to the freshman 15. The miles that you walk to class really doesn’t beat the large amounts of food that many freshman eat. You are no longer on home cooked meals nor do you eat at the same time every day. Your body can’t handle the new diet and its irregular times. This is where the JC comes in handy. At the JC you’re able to burn off all that you on the daily. At the JC you can work on your cardio from running and many of the cardio classes Also you can live in the weight area like I do which is also another way to fight the freshman 15. At the JC you’re able to make new friends that like the same things that you do. The JC is a positive social place that a lot of your peers go. The JC is on south campus right before Commonwealth its something that you can’t miss. The JC has something for everyone no one will fill left out. 

UK's workout Vibe

In 2003 the John Recreation Center, named after the Bernard M. Johnson (1969-1982) the old Recreation Director, was complete. The JC allows all UK and BCTC students and staff with ID to use the facility and they have something for everyone. In the JC there is a Four–lane elevated jogging track, Fitness/conditioning center, Group fitness studio, and a Cycling studio along with many other things to meet the needs of everyone that enters. JC open Monday thought Friday 6am to midnight and noon to four on Saturday and Sunday so everyone is able to find a time and go. More information on the JC is located on, this site is titled Campus Recreation and is not run by the university but is written by The University of Kentucky Student Affairs. Also in this site you’re able to see group fitness class times. 
 But the problem comes from the large amount of students in the JC. As a former athlete the average time spent in the gym should be 45 minutes to an hour in a half, at JC you might spend 10 to 20 minutes waiting to use the equipment. About 10 thousand more student go to UK and BCTC then in 2003. Hopefully many people stop going all at the same time so the overcrowding problem will come to an end because building on to the JC or a new JC would cost so much more money. The JC adds a strong good positive vibe to UK’s campus.


Over all the Shark Tank presentations went well in my eyes, everyone had their information and spoke from a first person experience in their presentation. The presentation went smooth and they flowed into the next one, there weren’t any awkward moments. But still I have always hated speaking in front of my peers, it makes me more than nervous. But after following the strategies that we discussed in class, the presentation and the speaking in class wasn’t that bad. Taking my formal proposal and turning it into a shark tank presentation seemed a little difficult at first. I was sitting there thinking how am I going to take this paper and turn it into a two to four minuet presentation.  After sitting down and going over my main points figuring out what to say became very easy. I’d say that the biggest weakness that I had during my presentation was speaking to fast. I feel that I rushed through some parts of my presentation, I just need to calm down. Even though people had talked about the John Center before I did, I feel like my presentation felt original. In both my paper and presentation I knew what I was talking about and kept to my main points. For my next presentation I just go up calm and cool with no nervous stress, this will turn my presentation into a friendly conversation. Other than feeling nervous during my presentation I feel it went well along with the rest of my peers.

Friday, September 12, 2014

We Are Too Fast and Big For Our Tech

During the day and night you’re ether on your phone, tablet, and laptop. In this day in age technology is omen of the importing things to us. On UK’s campus there is campus wifi and other Kentucky sites like link blue, blackboard, piazza, and masterchemistry. Those sites and many others are something that the staff and the students depend on daily. People want their technology to move faster than the speed of light, but that’s not the case.

The two biggest tech issues on campus are blackboard moving at a snails past or being down and it’s the same for the wifi. If you have had a tech problem with any UK site or even your TV not working you might have paid a visit to You might have spoken to one of the tech guys or had to make a trip to tech help in the basement of Willy T. The problem is that there is more or less always something wrong with a site or the wifi is working the way you want it to. A nice fix for this problem would be to have wifi for each building and dorm or for complexes to have wifi. They should get ride of the campus wifi because it doesn’t work the way it should. Also many of the teachers that’s us blackboard should try to find a new site so there is no longer a problem with the site being slow, down, or kicking people off. These are small fixes for the schools tech problems. During the day and night you’re ether on your phone, tablet, and laptop. In this day in age technology is omen of the importing things to us. On UK’s campus there is campus wifi and other Kentucky sites like link blue, blackboard, piazza, and masterchemistry. Those sites and many others are something that the staff and the students depend on daily. People want their technology to move faster than the speed of light, but that’s not the case.
The two biggest tech issues on campus are blackboard moving at a snails past or being down and it’s the same for the wifi. If you have had a tech problem with any UK site or even your TV not working you might have paid a visit to You might have spoken to one of the tech guys or had to make a trip to tech help in the basement of Willy T. The problem is that there is more or less always something wrong with a site or the wifi is working the way you want it to. A nice fix for this problem would be to have wifi for each building and dorm or for complexes to have wifi. They should get ride of the campus wifi because it doesn’t work the way it should. Also many of the teachers that’s us blackboard should try to find a new site so there is no longer a problem with the site being slow, down, or kicking people off. These are small fixes for the schools tech problems.  

Meal Swipes can get wasted

During the day you’re on south campus and you’re kind of hungry where can you go and get a meal swipe, that’s right you can go to Commons. The Commons Market is an all you can eat café. Commons is located on south campus in the heart of the Blanding- Kirwan Complex. If you get on you are able to go over your meal plan pick from many plans and pick on how many swipes you want during a semester. If you talk anyone who isn’t a freshman they’ll say Commons has changed from the menu and the plate size and that Commons is on a decline. As a freshman from a public high school I wish they made the food in front of me like they do at Commons.

On UK’s campus there is also another all you can eat café which is in Blazer Hall known as Blazer. Blazer is a across the street and down a little from the student located on north campus. Both of the cafés are the only places on campus (during the day) where you can use a meal swipe. The biggest issue with the Commons they close at eight pm which sounds very late if you go to bed at nine. As a college student I might go to bed at one or two in the morning and if I get hungry and need a lot of food Commons won’t be there. For the Commons to close at eight it hurts the kids who don’t have a large number of flex or for the kids who are still hungry after the one meal they get from the K-Lair or Ovids. Both Commons and Blazer need to push their closing times back to 11 pm or midnight so student are able to eat and use their meal swipes. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Parking Lot of Almost

Every home game thousands of people fill its spaces and lines and it’s a great place to be on Saturday, but Sunday through Friday it’s a largely hated place by UK students. K-Lot is the biggest parking lot for UK students. A large majority of the UK drivers park on this part of campus. K-Lot is located on the far right side and right in front of Commonwealth stadium. This parking lot is located on south campus right passed Cooper Dr. and University Dr.  
K-lot may seem like just a normal parking lot, but that’s if you’ve never parked a car in the parking lot. One, the parking lot is far for the North and Center campus kids who have to park there and even some South Campus kids too. But the biggest problem of the parking lot is no identification of where you left your car. The parking lot right now doesn’t have any signs, numbered rows (some rows are numbered but aren’t visible), and none of the actual parking spots are numbered. Also, there are many unmarked no parking zone spots in the front of K-lot, which appeals to so many new students until they receive 150 dollar fine and a towed car.  

A big fix for the parking is to either have the people directing traffic like they do on game days or just painted numbers on the parking spots. What is the harm of putting numbers on parking spots or putting up numbers or letters on the light-post.  If you forget to move your car Friday night you’ll and have to wake up before the crack of dawn you’ll have no idea where you parked. Sometimes you forget where you left your car spending an hour looking for your car is something you shouldn’t have to do.

Friday, September 5, 2014

JC's new class

The JC opened in January in 2003 and is named after Bernard M. Johnson, who is Bernard M. Johnson you ask? Bernard M. Johnson was the campus recreation director from 1969 to 1982. The original mission of the JC is to have a facility and equipment for all of the people on the campus. More information is located on, this site is titled Campus Recreation and is not run by the university but is written by The University of Kentucky Student Affairs. On the site the JC’s layout is briefly discussed and you’re able to read about the vision that the JC brings to Kentucky’s campus.

In 2003 when the project was completed the vision and the mission seemed complete, but times have changed. Now in 2014 there are way more students and staff then in 2003, it has been reported that 2014 is one of UK’s largest classes. Now the big problem is that the JC is becoming a little over crowded, and there will be even more students next year. People have already begun getting upset with the lines and the waiting to exercise, many people try to work out between classes and they won’t be able to if they can’t use the equipment. As a former athlete the average time spent in the gym should be 45 minutes to an hour in a half, at JC you might spend 10 to 20 minutes waiting to use the equipment. The original mission of the JC might fail because of the overcrowding problem. The “big” fix would be to expand the JC or get a second JC, but this would be a very big expense.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Johnson Center

Topic Johnson Center: The picture above is one of the more popular places on UK’s campus, the Johnson Recreation Center also known as the JC. The JC allows all UK and BCTC students and staff with ID to use the facility and they have something for everyone. In the JC there is a Four–lane elevated jogging track, Fitness/conditioning center, Group fitness studio, and a Cycling studio along with many other things to suet your needs. This states of the art facility pushes healthy living with the open atmosphere and on staff trainers, it’s a very welcoming place. The JC is a great and positive way to meet and make friends. The JC is located on south campus on Complex Drive right next to the tennis courts, the stunning structure can’t be missed. There is no excuse to not check out the JC open Monday thought Friday 6am to midnight and noon to four on Saturday and Sunday there is always time for the JC.
In the JC you’re able to work every & any muscle in the body, but on the down side the JC can’t hold the everyone at UK. From all the students and staff both from UK and BCTC the JC just isn’t big enough. Between lines for a lot of the racks, mats, and full classes the JC is gets packed on most days. The idea has been brought up that UK should either explained the JC or build a second facility. Unless UK has millions of dollars sitting around collecting dust or an allium member gives money such a project is out of the question. Maybe as the year goes on the attendance will drop, but even with the longs there is always something to do and you should check out the JC.