Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog Post: "Easier Said than Done"

One thing that I found very difficult about all the blog posts was actually doing them. Some blogs were easier to write then others. Frist things first, I had to had figure out what I was going to say and had to make sure that I met [nb1] the word count. This became very hard to do since my topic was the Johnson Center, I felt that you could only say so much about the Johnson Center. Many times I felt like I was saying the same things over and over again about the Johnson Center. As the semester carried on it become very hard to find new sources about the Johnson Center. I had to start finding sources that were about fitness or anything about health that was also related to the college age group. The Johnson Center is one of the smaller buildings on Kentucky’s campus, meaning it has a smaller impact on the campus. With this it makes it hard to find information using the databases that Kentucky has to offer. The blog post that had to deal with using a Kentucky database was more difficult because I wasn’t able to use google. The database blog post was a more stressful than the other ones because there isn’t information on the Johnson Center nor Bernard Johnson. Being an active gym person I felt that I knew everything that you could know about a recreational center. Over the semester I began learning new things about the Johnson Center which made some of the blog posts a little bit easier to write.

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